28 December, 2009


ISBN 0 335 19466 4 (pb)
  • individual interests are separated from the community ones

  • regarding those different interests and aims the community divided into classes (classes are not then made up of people but of their united beliefs)

    p. 12
    'not all ideas were ideological but only those which served to conceal social contradictions.'

  • therefore any ideas affecting the society must be ideological - like a magnet attrecting through social interaction others
    (note: as it was proved, in the study of audiece, that people are divided into opinion leaders and followers)
p. 13
'Marx thought of ideas as distorting or inverting reality because that reality was itself distorted or inverted.'

  • this is a cyclic thought that does not develop understanding neither the reality, nor the ideas

  • nothing is ordered in a circle or a stright line - due to the theory of relativity - existence is always moving in various directions, and due to the string theory it does so at the same time

  • even life becoming death and then life again works in sinusoidal line so it can change the processes of actionXreaction and to develop

p. 16

'Marx's point is often that ideology is not a question of logical or empirical falsity but of the superficial or misleading way in which truth is asserted.'
  • a fairly uninteresting suggestion because because if there is anything misleading than it affects its logical understanding and superficiality is a basic lack of knowledge resulting in tthe empirical falsity, therefore he is just correcting the terminology, not the problem
p. 17
'...Marx claims that ideas are constitutive of the social world and not simply reflections of it.'
  • however, ideas affect human actions and thinking what results in affecting the initial idea production - thereby it's a mutual process (fish changes the character of the sea just like the sea changes the character of the fish)
p. 20
...Engels separated out economic, political and ideological relations and stated that, although the first two could affect the third, it was always the economic that determined them in the last instance
...political and ideological relations are the decisive ones, forming the keynote which runs through them and alone leads to understanding
  • Yet, Marx was inventing way, how to understand through the economic view-point
  • if agreed on such a devision, it has been proved over time that it needs to be looked at from all three point of views as they all are the leading ones, supporting each other